Prior to forming Amazon Produce Network, we began as a grower’s agent for one Brazilian mango grower. Our purpose was to find an honorable importer with whom the grower could work and provide critical feedback that was missing in the past so the grower had total transparency. We were present for every arrival of fruit to assess the quality, take pictures and immediately share with the grower. We also checked in daily on the sales of the product. We provided the grower with copies of every component of the liquidation such as sales orders, customer invoices, checks paying the invoices, customs broker, steamship line, and warehouse receipts, repack run data, etc.
After the first successful season of being a grower’s agent, our first grower asked us to start a company and be his importer and distributor. We formed in February of 2000 and imported our first fruit in September of 2000. After that season our grower recommended us to another grower based on our performance, integrity and transparency. And so began the slow and steady growth of Amazon Produce Network.
From that time on we have worked diligently to do our best for every grower and every customer, always learning and improving along the way. Year over year we have gained more growers and expanded to all major mango production regions through grower-to-grower referral. We have built a strong network of growers with relationships built on commitment, hard work, competency and transparency.
Throughout these years we have developed what we believe to be the most thorough and advanced QC inspection and grower feedback system in the produce industry enabling growers to identify and correct field and packing house practices affecting the quality of their produce. In addition, we work with Instituto Federal and Valexport, the association of Fruit and Vegetable exporters of the São Francisco Valley in Brazil, to train agronomy students on a range of specific professional skills relating to the export of fresh fruit (primarily hot-water treated mangoes) from that growing region in Brazil to the US Market.
In 2011 we opened our operation in Los Angeles California to provide our growers with another destination port and to service the WC DCs of our existing national retail and fresh-cut customers. By combining supply from our excellent base of growers with a fantastic, seasoned WC sales manager, we have swiftly grown into a volume leading company on both coasts.
Starting in 2016, Amazon established a permanent operation in McAllen, Texas by locating part of our QC and operations team at a third-party warehouse to maintain the same level of QC and inventory control we have year round at our EC and WC warehouses for the Mexican mango season.
From 2000 to now, Amazon Produce Network has earned the distinction of becoming the largest importer of mangoes in the United States. We never forget where we came from and why we exist. We have gotten to this point through dedication to being good stewards of the product, attending the specific needs of our customers and growers, and investing our time and energy into building excellent procedures and the best team of people we can assemble.