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Mango and Lime Crop Update and Forecast - Week 48

Lime Update

Lime volumes have been enormous the last 7 days reported with 653 loads crossing which is an oversupply situation. Colder temperatures in the growing region and a lack of sunshine have led to lower quality limes in general. All the poor quality in the market has created a wide range of prices from $7.00 to $10.00 on any size. If packers are not seeing a very large percentage grade out when packing then they are leaving problems in the box. The higher quality limes need the top end of the market to make the economics work out for packing the tip quality. There are plenty of all sizes available with 175s being the peak size. Organic limes supplies and market are fairly steady. Demand is sluggish post-Thanksgiving. There are 1,275 store on ad on limes this week at an average retail price of $0.24 per unit. There are no ads on organic limes.

Mango Crop Update

We are ending week 48 now. This is the peak arrival week of the Ecuador deal. The heavy arrivals will last another two weeks then we expect the volumes to come down to a lower level for about 3 weeks assuming Peru does not surprise us with early volume. See the Arrival Volume Chart below for a summary of the current arriving and future projected volumes by week and Country of Origin. We also have charts to show container arrivals by port and sizing of both the round and yellow mangoes coming into the country.

Right now and the next 2 weeks are a great time to promote mangos, especially 10s and 12s. Ecuador’s quality has been excellent so far this season on Tommies and should continue to be excellent. Sizing is improving with less of a concentration on 12s and more larger fruit starting to come in. Kents and Keitts are starting to be picked so by week 50/51 we will have some Kents and Keitts to offer. Please run near term ad and in-store promo opportunities by us. We are looking for customers to promote size 20/22 Ataulfos right now. Please reach out I you are interested. See product pictures below of current lots and labels.

Peru is expected to ramp up slowly but information is always a challenge from Peru. As Peru ramps up we will hit the week of Christmas and New Years where both fall on a Tuesday. We will likely see a lack of labor availability for picking and packing during that week which could keep the volume in check for week 3 arrival. We should be entering the peak arrivals for weeks 4 through 7 arrival, so please schedule ads for the end of January and throughout February. Peru will have beautiful, clean, excellent tasting Kent mangoes in volume with sizing from 6s through 12s.

Stores on ad on conventional mangoes rose from 1,967 stores to 2,752 stores on ad for the week ending 11/29/18. Weighted average retail price is $0.98 per piece. See the USDA Data on Retail Mango Ads chart below for detailed data by geographic region of the country. There were only 2 stores on organic mango ads at $2.00 per piece.

We hope to see you at the New York Produce Show on Wednesday, December 12th. Please visit us at booth #545.

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